With the twirl of my tongue I encompass worlds and volumes of worlds.
Line after line I read, every word was interesting, but as the Bart train stopped, so did my eyes. I read those two lines at least five times. It wasn't because I didn't understand it, but because I wanted to understand it more. How cheesy does that sound?! But it's true. I feel like Walt is constantly expressing his interest in exploring and living your own life. The curiosity of the world excited him. These two lines express just that.
The first line states, "My voice goes after what my eyes cannot reach." I imagine the voice and the eyes competing, searching for something. Obviously as humans the greatest sense we have is our sight and that goes as far as we want it to. But when it cannot, that is where the voice comes in - asking questions, meeting new people, being open about your thoughts, your feelings. To me, that is what he means when he says that his voice goes after what his eyes cannot. When you think you have seen all you can see, maybe even imagined all you have imagined, speak more, talk more. "With the twirl of my tongue I encompass worlds and volumes of worlds."
Some of my favorite lines as well . . . and also that we are hearing his "voice" even now . . long after those eyes are gone . . . W's tongue: his superpower!